• Mushrooms, Molds, and Miracles

Mushrooms, Molds, and Miracles

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Martinis and the secret of heredity, penicillin and The Angel of Death, truffles and L.S.D., The Irish Potato Famine and the Fall of the Roman Empire, Astronauts, Gourmets, Scientists and Medicine Men... 

Mushrooms, Molds, and Miracles tells the most unexpected and exciting story in nature: How the mere mushroom and its kin have altered the course of history with blight and benefit. How the endless regenerative cycle of fungi sustains every life creature on this planet. How someday these strange organisms may seed life itself on barren stars.

Published by The New American Library, 1966
First Printing
Condition: Very Good
Cover: Paperback
Size: 10.5w x 17.5 h
Pages: 256